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When Was the Paris Agreement Adopted

The Paris Agreement: A Historic Milestone in Global Climate Action

The Paris Agreement, a legally binding international treaty on climate change, was adopted on December 12, 2015, during the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The agreement aims to limit global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C.

The adoption of the Paris Agreement marked a historic milestone in global climate action, as it brought together 195 countries into a common effort to combat the devastating effects of climate change. The agreement was the result of years of negotiations and diplomatic efforts, and it represents a crucial step forward in the fight against climate change.

The Paris Agreement sets out a framework for countries to communicate their climate actions, establish national targets and policies, and report on their progress. It also establishes a mechanism for countries to regularly assess and review their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

One of the key features of the Paris Agreement is the concept of nationally determined contributions (NDCs), which are the climate targets and policies that each country commits to implementing. The agreement recognizes that different countries have different capacities and responsibilities to act on climate change, and therefore allows for flexibility in the contributions that each country makes.

The Paris Agreement also includes a financing mechanism to support developing countries in their efforts to transition to a low-carbon economy and adapt to the impacts of climate change. This mechanism, known as the Green Climate Fund, has already mobilized billions of dollars in climate finance from developed countries.

Since its adoption, the Paris Agreement has been ratified by 191 countries, including the United States, which rejoined the agreement in 2021 after withdrawing under the previous administration. The agreement has also spurred increased global momentum and ambition on climate action, with many countries pledging to achieve net-zero emissions by mid-century.

In conclusion, the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015 was a historic moment in global climate action, bringing together countries from around the world in a common effort to combat climate change. The agreement has set out a framework for countries to communicate, implement, and report on their climate actions, and it has already spurred increased ambition and momentum in the fight against climate change. As we move forward, it is crucial that we continue to work together to implement the Paris Agreement and achieve our shared goals of a safer, more sustainable future for all.